Thursday, 18 July 2013

Identity Crisis

There has been enough effort I have made to understand who I am. The human/other races I see living around me are all doing same things for centuries: Taking birth, growing up, settling down, reproducing, upbringing the progeny, enjoying the material pleasures, fighting senility and dying. This happens with everyone. But no one knows what happens after this. What happens to the identity we live the whole of our life with?

Reincarnation? ok... so what attribute(s) validate that the soul is same? what is the unique identifier? like we have a primary key in Databases(wrong analogy may be..!). How can we know who we actually are?

Soul of course, is what intelligentsia comes with as an answer.

So, how do we identify a soul? (may be the question is too physical to be asked in context of spiritual discussions).

Its a big and probably the second most urgent crisis envisaged by every conscious mind(first one being the ability to sustain life ... of course!). But ironically, little/no research is sponsored to find out the answer(poor people have no time left post spending the day on making both the ends meet and and rich ones prefer to spend their day demeaning/spying/threatening/showing off and taxing the former).

The consciously ignorant minds choose to concentrate on other things.

Bigger travesty shows up when it becomes very much apparent that ultimately, everyone's aim is to accumulate wealth beyond what (s)he can actually utilize within the scope of current incarnation(life is a single short epoc.. you see). That too, for a beneficiary who is not capable enough to sustain forever(i.e. their respective physical bodies).

investigation continues...

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